David Tang - Programmer, Game Developer, Artist


Note: When running Lasers or Haze it will give errors for included sounds. This is because neocities has a filetype upload policy, where no ogg, mp3, wav etc can be uploaded. The programs will run fine otherwise. With Lasers you're not missing much, with Haze the sounds are pretty nice though. I might link a gameplay video eventually.

Update 10/8/2020: Lasers has been modified to hide the errors. Has been updated to Perlenspiel 3.3 to fix compatibility issues with modern screens. Haze runs into critical errors in 3.3, so the link has been disabled.



A cooperative VR cooking game, having players prepare japanese dishes in increasingly wacky kitchens. Technical Skills: Unity, C#, Maya. Roles: Primary gameplay designer, primary level designer, secondary artist/technical artist, programmer



A top-down stealth game in Unity based on camouflage. Players can change color to a guard's "blind" color, and must remain stationary as the guard passes by. Technical Skills: Unity, Photoshop, Tiled, C#. Roles: Primary gameplay designer, level polishing and implementation, primary artist/technical artist, secondary programmer



A puzzle game based on moving mirrors to redirect lasers and activate switches without dying (Use arrow keys and Space Bar). Some of the later levels ended up too difficult due to no testers reaching so far. Technical Skills: Javascript. Roles: Completed all programming, gameplay design, level design, and writing.


A minimalist, abstract game designed to provoke fear or unease without use of language or complex graphics (Use arrow keys). Technical Skills: Javascript. Roles: Completed all programming and gameplay design. Coded graphical effects and performed level balancing.